Computer for typesetting
Typesetting computer HELLCOM
Catalogue 1967 ; 2,2 MByte ; German
A workflow description:
HELLCOM used for Hot metal typesetting
HELLCOM used for DIGSET-Phototypesetting
Digicom 1965
The typesetting computer system with central unit, drum- and tape drives Catalogue 1965 ;
12 pages ; 2,2 MByte ; German
A brief introduction to the Hell typesetting program DOSY
1 page ; 610 KByte ; German
14 pages ; 3,3 MByte ; German
A detailed overview of the DOSY commands and the computer hardware available at the time
20 pages ; 2 Mbyte ; German
An excerpt from the command set of DOSY programming
9 pages ; 1,8 MByte ; German
12 pages ; 1979 ; 2,9 MByte ; German
Siemens System 3003 / 4004 1965 A system and workflow description ; German |
Magnetic tape input element ME 2002
12 Seiten ; 1971 : 3,6 MByte ; German