Die Strukturbrüche der Reproduktionstechnik
Hanns - Peter Schöbel | Am Bildstock 21 | D 77746 Schutterwald | im Jahr 2017
The following two articles succinctly show the development of reproduction technology from the beginning
of communication through images (cave painting) to wood/stone printing and movable type to today's technology, in which pre-press and actual printing are strongly fused.
Structural breaks in prepress (reproduction) (German) Reading sample: Structural breaks in communication techniques have been observed since the 13th century when printing forms (image/text) were produced for the reproduction of manuscripts and drawn images. New printing techniques replaced the existing ones.. The complete article as PDF (396 Kbyte) (German) |
On the occasion of our general meeting/general information event on October 18, 2017, Mr. Schöbel gave a short presentation on the same topic. This representation makes the speed of change in the entire reproduction and printing technology particularly clear. The presentation as PDF (2,2 Mbyte) (German) |